High-Level PACE Financial Pro Forma

The high-level PACE financial pro forma is a model that is designed as a preliminary step in assisting organizations in understanding the potential financial performance and capital required for a PACE startup in a selected market. Organizations should engage a PACE Technical Assistance Center (TAC) to conduct a full market and financial feasibility study to fully understand the feasibility of developing and operating a PACE program in the desired market.

The high-level pro forma contains the following key assumptions:

  1. The model assumes the market will be able to support a program with a census of 250.
  2. Enrollment growth is based on the national average.
  3. Medicare capitation revenues are based on calendar year 2025 county rates and national average risk scores.
  4. Medicaid capitation rates reflect actual county rates or estimates based on geographical location.
  5. Expenses are adjusted for differences in the area wage index
  6. PACE center renovation costs are fixed based on 15,000 square feet of leased space at a rate of $200 per square foot plus equipment and vehicles costs.

The user has the ability to edit the following fields:

  1. Enter the organization name
  2. Select the desired county of operation
  3. Select the financing method, debt or equity contribution
  4. Enter an interest rate for debt financing
  5. Enter a facility lease rate and whether this includes or excludes operating expenses
  6. Select whether reserves will be covered by a sponsor guaranty or cash reserves.

National PACE Association
Program Of All-inclusive Care For The Elderly (PACE)

Assumption Input Schedule

General Information
Location of PACE Program:
Financing Method:
Expense Assumptions
PACE Center:
Other Assumptions
Solvency Reserves:
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